Embracing the Journey: Reflections On My Time at USC-Aiken

I am incredibly honored to have been featured by USC-Aiken this semester for my achievements. It has been such a privilege to work with some amazing people and have fallen in love with the community and culture at USC. I was honored with Aiken’s Online Outstanding Student in Communication for 2023 award, and was inducted into the Lambda Pi Eta honor society and the National Society for Leadership and Success.

It has been such an amazing journey, and while I don’t often pat myself on the back, I am very proud of my achievements. I have worked very hard to get here, and while closing this chapter is bittersweet, it’s been a long time coming. Sometimes I feel like I’m behind, but I’ve come to realize life is not a race. There is no destination. It is a journey, and the ability to grow, learn, and enjoy the view along the way is truly what makes the journey worth traveling.

The Communication and Emerging Media courses I have taken during my time at USC-Aiken have helped me to become a better writer, designer, and have given me a greater understanding of the current marketing climate. Through these courses, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of emerging trends and technological advancements. I am grateful for the connections I have made and the collective wisdom we have shared.

You can check out the article on USC-Aiken’s social media pages https://www.facebook.com/uscaiken/posts/6112090515512487